Adding his name in the Salat prayers & Azan:
Adding his name in Salat by reciting Durood:
Narrated Abdur-Rahman bin Abi Laila: Ka'b bin Ujrah met me and said, "Shall I not give you a present I got from the Prophet?" 'Abdur-Rahman said, "Yes, give it to me." I said, "We asked Allah's Apostle saying, 'O Allah's Apostle! How should one (ask Allah to) send blessings on you, the members of the family, for Allah has taught us how to salute you (in the prayer)?' He said, 'Say: O Allah! Send Your Mercy on Muhammad and on the family of Muhammad, as You sent Your Mercy on Abraham and on the family of Abraham, for You are the Most Praise-worthy, the Most Glorious. O Allah! Send Your Blessings on Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, as You sent your Blessings on Abraham and on the family of Abraham, for You are the Most Praise-worthy, the Most Glorious.' "
Sahih Bukhari ,Volume 4, Book 55, Number 589
Allahu Akbar
Allah is Great
(said four times)Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah
I bear witness that there is no god except the One God (Allah).
(said two times)Ashadu anna Muhammadan Rasool Allah
I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.
(said two times)Hayya 'ala-s-Salah
Hurry to the prayer (Rise up for prayer)
(said two times)Hayya 'ala-l-Falah
Hurry to success (Rise up for Salvation)
(said two times)Allahu Akbar
Allah is Great
[said two times]La ilaha illa Allah
There is no god except the One God (Allah)For the pre-dawn (fajr) prayer, the following phrase is inserted after the fifth part above, towards the end:
As-salatu Khayrun Minan-nawm
Prayer is better than sleep
(said two times)Begining of Azan
(i) Narrated Ibn 'Umar:
When the Muslims arrived at Medina, they used to assemble for the prayer, and used to guess the time for it. During those days, the practice of Adhan for the prayers had not been introduced yet. Once they discussed this problem regarding the call for prayer. Some people suggested the use of a bell like the Christians, others proposed a trumpet like the horn used by the Jews, but 'Umar was the first to suggest that a man should call (the people) for the prayer; so Allah's Apostle ordered Bilal to get up and pronounce the Adhan for prayers. Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 11, Number 578.
(ii) Narrated Anas bin Malik:
When the number of Muslims increased they discussed the question as to how to know the time for the prayer by some familiar means. Some suggested that a fire be lit (at the time of the prayer) and others put forward the proposal to ring the bell. Bilal was ordered to pronounce the wording of Adhan twice and of the Iqama once only.
Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 11, Number 580.This indicates that this traditional ones corrupted Azan which was not inspired to prophet Muhammad by God. It was the suggestion of "Umar". The idea of Azan was neither from God nor from prophet Muhammad, but from "Umar". Even this beginning of Azan is correct, then the following hadiths contradict the beginning of Azan and they are authentic hadiths (Sahih hadith).
(iii) Narrated Mu'adh ibn Jabal:
Prayer passed through three stages and fasting also passed through three stages. The narrator Nasr reported the rest of the tradition completely. The narrator, Ibn al-Muthanna, narrated the story of saying prayer facing in the direction of Jerusalem.
He said: The third stage is that the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) came to Medina and prayed, i.e. facing Jerusalem, for thirteen months.
Then Allah, the Exalted, revealed the verse: "We have seen thee turning thy face to Heaven (for guidance, O Muhammad). And now verily We shall make thee turn (in prayer) toward a qiblah which is dear to thee. So turn thy face toward the Inviolable Place of Worship, and ye (O Muslims), wherever ye may be, turn your face (when ye pray) toward it" (ii.144). And Allah, the Reverend and the Majestic, turned (them) towards the Ka'bah. He (the narrator) completed his tradition.
The narrator, Nasr, mentioned the name of the person who had the dream, saying: And Abdullah ibn Zayd, a man from the Ansar, came. The same version reads: And he turned his face towards the qiblah and said: Allah is most great, Allah is most great; I testify that there is no god but Allah, I testify that there is no god but Allah; I testify that Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah, I testify that Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah; come to prayer (he pronounced it twice), come to salvation (he pronounced it twice); Allah is Most Great, Allah is most great. He then paused for a while, and then got up and pronounced in a similar way, except that after the phrase "Come to salvation" he added. "The time for prayer has come, the time for prayer has come."
The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: Teach it to Bilal, then pronounce the adhan (call to prayer) with the same words.
Sunah Abu Dawud Book 2, Number 0507.
(iv) Narrated AbuUmayr ibn Anas:
AbuUmayr reported on the authority of his uncle who was from the Ansar (the helpers of the Prophet): The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) was anxious as to how to gather the people for prayer.
The people told him: Hoist a flag at the time of prayer; when they see it, they will inform one another. But he (the Prophet) did not like it. Then someone mentioned to him the horn.
Ziyad said: A horn of the Jews. He (the Prophet) did not like it. He said: This is the matter of the Jews. Then they mentioned to him the bell of the Christians. He said: This is the matter of the Christians. Abdullah ibn Zayd returned anxiously from there because of the anxiety of the Apostle (peace_be_upon_him). He was then taught the call to prayer in his dream. Next day he came to the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) and informed him about it.
He said: Apostle of Allah, I was between sleep and wakefulness; all of a sudden a newcomer came (to me) and taught me the call to prayer. Umar ibn al-Khattab had also seen it in his dream before, but he kept it hidden for twenty days.
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said to me (Umar): What did prevent you from saying it to me?
He said: Abdullah ibn Zayd had already told you about it before me: hence I was ashamed.
Then the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: Bilal, stand up, see what Abdullah ibn Zayd tells you (to do), then do it. Bilal then called them to prayer.
AbuBishr reported on the authority of AbuUmayr: The Ansar thought that if Abdullah ibn Zayd had not been ill on that day, the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) would have made him mu'adhdhin.
Sunah Abu Dawud Book 2, Number 0498.Both version (Sahih Bukhari and Sunan Abu Dawud) show the beginning of Azan, but they contradict each other. According to Sahih Bukhari Azan, it was suggested by Umar and according to Sunan Abu Dawud it was suggested by Abdullah ibn Zayd, NOT Umar and Umar was hiding it.
In Quran God says Muhammad was allowed to follow only what is revealed to him.
6.50 Say, "I do not say to you that I possess the treasures of GOD. Nor do I know the future. Nor do I say to you that I am an angel. I simply follow what is revealed to me." Say, "Is the blind the same as the seer? Do you not reflect?"
7.203..... Say, "I simply follow what is revealed to me from my Lord." These are enlightenments from your Lord, and guidance, and mercy for people who believe.
10.15 When our revelations are recited to them, those who do not expect to meet us say, "Bring a Quran other than this, or change it!" Say, "I cannot possibly change it on my own. I simply follow what is revealed to me. I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the retribution of an awesome day."