Nothing Bad Comes From God
[4:79] Anything good that happens to you is from GOD, and anything bad that happens to you is from you. We have sent you as a messenger to the people,* and GOD suffices as witness.
*4:79 Muhammad was not given any proof of prophethood. Hence the expression "God suffices as a witness" (29:51-52). The gematrical value of "Muhammad" is 92, and 92 + 79 = 171 = 19 x 9.
[9:117] GOD has redeemed the prophet, and the immigrants (Muhãjireen) and the supporters who hosted them and gave them refuge (Ansãr), who followed him during the difficult times. That is when the hearts of some of them almost wavered. But He has redeemed them, for He is Compassionate towards them, Most Merciful.
God Strengthens the Messenger
[17:73] They almost diverted you from the revelations we have given you. They wanted you to fabricate something else, in order to consider you a friend.
[17:74] If it were not that we strengthened you, you almost leaned towards them just a little bit.
[33:37] Recall that you said to the one who was blessed by GOD, and blessed by you, "Keep your wife and reverence GOD," and you hid inside yourself what GOD wished to proclaim. Thus, you feared the people, when you were supposed to fear only GOD. When Zeid was completely through with his wife, we had you marry her, in order to establish the precedent that a man can marry the divorced wife of his adopted son. GOD's commands shall be done.
Before God's Blessings
Upon Him, Muhammad
Used to Worship Idols
[40:66] Say, "I have been enjoined from worshiping the idols you worship beside GOD, when the clear revelations came to me from my Lord. I was commanded to submit to the Lord of the universe."*
*40:66 The Arabic word "Nahaa" used in this verse indicates the stopping of something that was going on. See for example the same word in 4:171. See also 93:7.
[66:1] O you prophet, why do you prohibit what GOD has made lawful for you, just to please your wives? GOD is Forgiver, Merciful.*
*66:1 Mohammedans around the world believe that Muhammad was infallible. This verse teaches us that he was indeed a fallible human being (18:110, 33:37, 40:66, 80:1).
[80:1-10] He (Muhammad) frowned and turned away. When the blind man came to him. How do you know? He may purify himself. Or he may take heed, and benefit from the message. As for the rich man. You gave him your attention. Even though you could not guarantee his salvation. The one who came to you eagerly. And is really reverent.You ignored him.
[93:7] He found you astray, and guided you.