The extent to which Islam has been corrupted is illustrated in the following table:

Innovation Violated Quranic Principles
Hadith & Sunna 6:19, 38, 114; 7:1-3; 12:111;
17:46; 31:6; 45:6; 69:38-47; plus more.
Killing whomever they consider an apostate 88:21-22.
Vicious criminal justice system:   
Cutting off the hand of the thief 5:38, 12:31.
Stoning the adulterers to death 4:25, 24:2.
Killing anyone who does not observe Salat 2:256, 18:29.
Killing one who drinks alcohol for the 4th time  2:256, 18:29.
Forbidding menstruating women from worshiping  2:222.
Forbidding women from the Friday Prayer 62:9
Idolizing Muhammad against his will:   
calling him "the most honorable messenger" 2:285. 
claiming that he was infallible   4:79; 9:117; 17:73-74; 33:37;
40:66, 66:1; 80:1-10; 93:7.
Setting up his tomb as a "Sacred Mosque" 2:149-150.
Claiming that he possesses power of intercession  2:48,123,254; 6:70,94; 7:53;
10:3; 39:44; 43:86; 74:48.
Inventing an indefensible story about his ascension
to the heavens on a horse, at the speed of light,
and talking God out of 50 Salat prayers. At 
the speed of light, he would still be traveling
within the Milky Way Galaxy.
17:1; 53:1-18. 
Adding his name in the Salat prayers & Azan 20:14; 72:18.
Adding his name to the First Pillar of Islam  3:18; 37:35; 39:45
Insulting Muhammad by depicting him as a vicious man:  
They claim he gouged out people's eyes 3:159; 68:4.
Claiming he possessed sexual power of 30 men  18:110; 25:20.
Nullifying the fact that Muhammad was the last prophet
by teaching that Jesus will come back to this
world. This makes Jesus the last prophet.
Claiming that Muhammad was illiterate, un-intelligent. see Appendix 28.
A bizarre dietary system with multitudes of 
6:145-150; 16:115,116
Altering the Sacred Months 9:37.
Neglecting the Zakat charity through distortion 6:141, Appendix 15.
Oppressing women and forcing them to wear head-covers
and unreasonable clothes; and depriving them of
all rights in marriage, divorce, inheritance, etc.

Insulting women by instituting that "if a monkey, dog, or a woman passes in front of a praying person, his prayer is nullified"(Hadith)
2:228; 3:195; 4:19,32; 9:71.
Inventing numerous rules from ablution, to prayer,
to sleeping, to cutting one's nails
2:67-71; 5:101; 42:21.
Prohibiting gold and silk for men  5:48-49; 7:31-32.
Prohibiting music and the arts  7:32; 34:13; 42:21.
Ridiculing Islam by stating that the earth is built on top 
of a giant whale!! (79:30; Ibn Kathir,1200 AD & Ben Baz, 1975 AD)

This is only a minute sample of the violations committed by the "Muslims" on a daily basis. This is why God has sent His Messenger of the Covenant now.


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